Being instead of doing!

Hi guys!
As the summer comes to a close and reflect on my goings and comings, I'm so thankful for what God has been doing. For years I have felt this struggle to produce a good program and proof that I needed a big staff to get it done. Spending time with friends and family this summer I realized that it's not about doing but being!
I took a hard look at Fallen Walls and realized GOD is the one doing and I'm just along for the ride. As I step back and looked then I could see to fruit of almost 15 years of ministry this October. Amazing!!! Below is my mission statement, a brief description, where I have and where I hope to go. Will you partner in prayer and possibly a financial gift?  

Who I am:
Pastoral Consultant, Writer, Artist and Activist
What FWI:
Fallen Walls International trains, equips and mobilizes urban ministers to proclaim that in Jesus Christ there are no barriers regardless of their abilities.

Ministering one of one in these cities 
1. Memphis 
2. District of Columbia 
3. Portland
5. Seattle
6. Denver 
I hope to make contact with ministers in these cities in 2017:
1. New York 
2. Detroit 
3. Boston
4. And a friend and I are planning a Europe trip next summer to make contacts there as well!

Please consider meeting with me for for information on how to help! Thanks!


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